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The Last Ninja: A Journey of Revenge and Honor


The Last Ninja contains a blend of exploration, puzzle solving, and combat. The object of the game is to guide the ninja protagonist Armakuni on his journey to the palace of the evil shogun Kunitoki to assassinate him, avenging his clan, and retrieve the sacred scrolls. As the player progresses, Kunitoki's henchmen become more challenging as they learn the ways of the ninja.

Attack moves are executed by combinations of directional controls with the fire button for attacking the opponent's head, torso and legs. Weapons, like the ninjato, nunchaku, staff, shuriken, and smoke bombs, can be equipped.

the last ninja

Throw ninja stars at the other ninjas in this epic fighting game! Be the last ninja standing in each round as you and your enemies exchange fire. Throw fast and accurate so that your opponents do not get a chance to fire back. Get headshots for bonus coins that you can use to upgrade your health and power.

Now you need to go back to the last junction, this time take the road northeast. Always go northeast and you will get to the dragon cave. To disable the dragon you need the smoke-bomb, which you need to throw in front of his nose. For this you need to stand correctly: The left leg needs to be exactly on the rim of the grass, where the shadow of the first stone begins (the leg covers the beginning of the shadow)

Japanese folklore states that the ninja descended from a demon that was half man and half crow. However, it seems more likely that the ninja slowly evolved as an opposing force to their upper-class contemporaries, the samurai, in early feudal Japan.

Most ninja were not disgraced samurai or Batman-type nobility, but seemingly ordinary peasants and farmers who learned the ninja art as a way of protecting their property. Women also became ninja, or kunoichi, and infiltrated enemy strongholds in the guise of dancers, concubines or servants where they would carry out assassinations or gather information.

The story goes that after many generations of training and meditating the Mystic Shadow Warriors had honed their emotions and skills to such an extent that they were the envy of the world. Their mastery of weapon craft and mind control was such everyone wanted to learn their secret. And so it was that the evil Ashikaga Clan, lead by Kunitoki, amassed an army of netherworld spirits and sent them to defeat the ninja clan and take their secrets.

Hiroo Onoda, the World War II Japanese intelligence officer who died Thursday at age 91, drew from ninja-like military training to survive nearly thirty years fighting a long terminated war, according to ninja historian John Man.

What do you think our most major misconception about the ninja is?I had thought they would be assassins or would-be killers, but I was surprised that they had a spiritual dimension and that shugendo was an important part of the training. Even now, the experts in ninjitsu tell you that right-mindedness was a prime element of their training.

What about the tales of ninja as magicians?There was a folk tradition of magical belief that if you write certain things, certain statements on bits of paper and put them in the right place in a room, then magical things would happen. But these are in the manuals which come after the event.

The Last Ninja deserves notice not only as a thoroughly addictive action game, but also for the many innovations it brought to the genre. For starter, the game is one of the first isometric games on the market. Despite relatively primitive (EGA) graphics, characters move convincingly, and backgrounds are well-drawn to create good illusions of 3D landscape. Also, while other action games at the time offer only one type of combat, The Last Ninja features a mixture of hand-to-hand and ranged combat, with a variety of authentic ninja weapons.

One of the most fatal is the water -- while your ninja can execute a staggering number of movements and attacks, he cannot swim. Thus, the game became incredibly frustrating as you move your Ninja pixel by pixel across the swamp and river terrain, trying to get that EXACT placement for the EXACT right jump from boulder to boulder.

The Last Ninja is an action/adventure game set in medieval Japan. The game is shown in isometric view, and the eponymous ninja can walk in four directions, jump, fight the enemies and collect necessary items on his way. Play The Last Ninja online!

The Nerd (2006): Well, you just saw how much Ninja Turtles sucked, so now, I wanna show you a different game, The Last Ninja. You might think, it might kind of be like, Ninja Gaiden, or uh, maybe Shadow of the Ninja, or uh, Wrath of the Black Manta, or any of the other million ninja games on the NES. But no, this one exists on a whole other plane of bullshit.

The Nerd (2006): I also love how the energy meters are spirals. I guess they were tryin' to be different, Well, it's different alright. So already you've come to a dead end, So what do you do? Take a guess, you have to punch this button which opens a secret hatch on the screen you were just at, So you have to go back. I also don't understand why the bottom has a picture of the Statue of Liberty coming out the ninja's ear. What's the point?

I love how it tells you, you have only zero lives left. That's great. In general, I never understood games where you can have zero lives. If you're down to your last life, it should says one life, but I guess that would make too much sense. I also love how the scoreboard has Bert and Ernie, Barney and Fred, and Stan and Oliver, as in Laurel and Hardy.

Lemme ask a question: who were the target audience for this game? Kids. Kids who like ninjas, dinosaurs, robots, and uh... G.I. Joe. Do you think any of these kids knew Laurel and fuckin' Hardy?!

So anyway, back to the NES version, this ninja is probably the least Stealthy ninja I've ever seen, he's running around the park in broad daylight making an ass of himself. Last Ninja, should be called the worst ninja, it's a shame all the other ones died, so he's the only one we have left. You know, most the enemies just run back and fourth, they don't attack you until you start a fight, so really this ninja's just going around being a bully, come to think of it, the 80's didn't usually portray ninjas in their traditional Japanese sense. Look at Ninja 3: The Domination, where he's terrorizing a golf course, just ask my generation, what a ninja, first thing that comes to mind, is turtles wearing bandanas.

The Nerd: (Chuckles) This ninja is really something, he can't touch grass, dies in water, and he stops to buy a burger at a burger stand. Now that's great, I just love the idea that the ninja is running around with a burger in his pocket. The funny thing is nobody is there at the stand selling the burger, it's just sitting there unattended all by itself, who would trust that?

The Nerd: You can go in the ladies room, and he doesn't open the door, he passes through the door, so my assumption would be, this is a glitch, but no, there's a second ladies room on the other side of the level that you can also go in, so it's intentional, the game makes enter the ladies room. Yeah, on top of being a bully, this ninja is a creep, the game makes you into a ninja pervert. (Sighs) To select the weapons you'd think hitting select would be sufficient, but no, you have to hold select and hit B, few games pull that shit, the only other one that come to mind is Dick Tracy, with the first aid.

And what kind of game am I playing? There's no skill here, it's just luck, it's like saying pick a hand, that's not a game? That's the lowest most basic caveman version of a game. So you go in the middle door, and what comes next? Another set of doors. (cringes) oh dear lord, oh damn. oh, you see what I have to deal with here? So now it's all about trail and error, memorizing the path, I can't even compare this to any shit that I know, it would be sort of like playing Dragon's Lair if it were crunched up and stuffed inside Deadly Towers, this is like the ultimate amalgamation of all the fiendish barbaric games I dealt with. Sometimes you're supposed to go through the ground, like these sewer drains. How are you suppose to know that? Most the time you just walk by thinking it's part of the graphics and open them, you gotta stand on the precise spot, come on. Same thing with the sewer lid, you just gotta fuck about till it opens. Not to mention, why the sewers? What is it about Nintendo games and sewers? What is it about ninja games? what is about ninja and sewers? The only thing more cliche would be if there were alligators in the sewers.

There's alligators in the sewers. The alligator can't be defeated using any ordinary means, so check this out. Here's what they make you do, You have to take a bottle that you found on the level before, and use it on this torch in the previous room, so you can ignite it, and throw it in the fucking gator's face. What psycho thought to program this? Who just leaves a molotov cocktail in the middle of a sidewalk, have you ever come across one in your daily routine? You know, just a fucking bottle of gasoline and a rag sitting on a sidewalk as you're strolling by to the coffee shop. Who fucking throws molotov cocktails at gators? There's no other way, a ninja could get past a gator other than fucking incinerating it. I mean there's the gator just burning alive! Who does that?

The next level starts, and I pick up something on the ground. What's this suppose to be, A MasterCard? (Exclaims in surprise and smiles) Kick fucking ass, I got a MasterCard, life is kinda cool sometimes. By the way, I've now officially beaten Ernie's score, I'm guessing Ernie gave up at the gator. In the last couple of stages, I've come to realize, this game forces you to think with a ninja's perspective, so here's some of the ninja wisdom I've learned from playing this game.

You come to a room with pentagram. You enter a code to open a safe, you pick an orb spawning a ghost ninja who strikes you immediately. I found no way to avoid the first blow. He will hit you and drain your health, no matter what. So this ghost ninja can't be killed conventionally. If you knock him down, he'll get back up. What you need to do, is drop his ass in the middle of the pentagram. But that's not all. The five candles all need to be lit. But that's easier said than done. You can't knock him down first, and then start lighting the candles, because he gets back up too soon. And any time he gets back up, all the candles get reset. So you try lighting the candles first, right? But how are you gonna do that with this guy all over you? He drains all your health in three hits! Not to mention, the wicked controls! Trying to stop on the EXACT pixel to light the candles, is a task in itself. You have to be PERFECT with the controls, and somehow miraculously light the candles, while avoiding this guy at the same time. You gotta at least light a couple of candles before knocking him down. Then you just might have enough time to light the remaining three. 2ff7e9595c

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