I believe the answer to the C&C1 problem is actually in the video, at 5:31, in the FAQ of the RA installer... the "display scaling" thing. That, or the game executable is still set to "run in 640x480" compatibility mode, but that seems kind of odd since I'm fairly sure my patch disables all of those compatibility modes.
If you've got a blazingly fast state-of-the-art gaming computer meant to run the likes of Crysis or Bioshock, the scroll rate in Red Alert will probably be way too fast (i.e., scrolling will consist of zipping instantly from one side of the battlefield to the other).
Red alert scroll patch
ScrollRate=7Save the file.
Now to prevent Red Alert from overwriting this setting when you run the game, right-click on REDALERT.INI, click on Properties and click to CHECK 'Read Only' beside Attributes.
Click OK to apply and you're all set.
This should slow down the scroll rate enough to make Red Alert playable. However, if you find the scroll rate is still too fast, you may want to...
On my Athlon 64 X2 4800+ (no video card), I put 20000 in the Mo'Slo 4BIZ 'Slow to' setting and then I ran Red Alert and set the in-game Scroll Rate setting to the lowest. This ran the game beautifully with the game speed running smoothly and the scroll rate perfect (for my tastes anyway).
I already installed and followed correctly the instruction, but when i try to play the red alert it says "unable to allocate primary video buffer ABORTING. What is it??? And how do i fix it.. anyone??? PLEase....
I still have the original box of Red Alert ( double cd ) and the Manual-book :oPI installed it on my WindowsXP, and did start it in compatibility-mode 95 after putting the patch-files in the Westwood==>REDALERT map... so far so good... it WORKS..! The movie play's the game works but...........NO SOUND... what now ?
I am installing this through DOSBox, as I have an x64 system, and I was wondering what is the right disk label to use when mounting the disk. I am using the command "mount d c:\path_to_extracted_iso -t cdrom -label redalert_label". I just need to know what to replace redalert_label with so that I don't get the insert CD message.
Hey, everything got setup to what i believe working condition up to the point where you have to download the xp patch (i am using an xp) but when i press the underlined-link thing i get the 'black screen' asking me to overwrite the previous versions that ive downloaded, so i press 'y' then the screen goes away and nothing happens, help please
after installing red alert and reboot my computer. then install the patch. run the patch in the red alert folder.set the exe file in windows 95 mode. still get the massage kernel32.dll problem. i use windows xp sp3.
Command & Conquer 1, Red Alert 1 and Tiberian Sun have all been upgraded with community-created unofficial patches that fix a lot of their bugs and compatibility problems. For Red Alert 2 there's a more general patch that solves a lot of its graphics problems. You can find them here:
Patch 1.006 for Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 was released in June 2001, and was the final official patch for the game. It was a minor hotfix for version 1.005. The game is required to have patch 1.006 applied before the Yuri's Revenge expansion pack can be installed.
Ahh right. One can use the right mouse button for scrolling. I forgot about that. Thx for reminding me. In Tiberian Dawn there was no right mouse scroll. Hmm.., I believe I stick with the ScrollMultiplier.
Generals and Zero Hour regularly crash when you attempt to Alt+Tab out of the game. Enabling Borderless Fullscreen using the following instructions will make the game more stable. Note: Playing in borderless fullscreen will disable cursor edge-scrolling.
This may sound absurd, but every thief should know you can't have any witnesses when you attempt to commit a crime - and that includes animals. Oddly enough, the animals of Skyrim are as aware of theft as any human, and should you steal from someone while a horse, chicken, or other domestic animal is watching - expect them to alert the proper authorities. This goes double for trying to kill said animals, as the people of the town will become very unhappy with you murdering their livestock.
CodeRewardsDate Addedtq8agz7wyv3x8 Hours Dust + 3x8 Hours Gold + 3x8 Hours EXP + 1,000 DiamondsFebruary 5, 2023 XANADU10x Summon ScrollsDecember 27, 2022 rynfzjk85y10x scroll + 5x8 hours EXP + Dust + GoldDecember 24, 2022 qgk6h85pbd3x8 Hours Dust + 3x8 Hours Gold + 3x8 Hours EXP + 1,000 DiamondsOctober 29, 2022 thewitcher33 of each 8h dust + gold + EXP + 1000 diamondsSeptember 21, 2022 Happy33310 stargazers, 2000 diamonds, 10 scrolls, and 10 faction scrollsJuly 27, 2022 meeyzuxw873000x Diamonds, 10x Common Hero ScrollsJuly 23, 2022 Brutus2022300 diamonds +300k goldJuly 5, 2022 Talene2022300 Diamonds + 300K GoldDecember 8, 2021 uf4shqjngq30 Summon ScrollsMay 1, 2021 AFK888300 DiamondsApril 15, 2021 misevj66yi500 Diamonds + 5 Summon Scrolls + 1 Rare Hero2019
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wait_for_active_shards controls how many copies of a shard must be activebefore proceeding with the request. See Active shardsfor details. timeout controls how long each write request waits for unavailableshards to become available. Both work exactly the way they work in theBulk API. Update by query uses scrolled searches, so you can alsospecify the scroll parameter to control how long it keeps the search contextalive, for example ?scroll=10m. The default is 5 minutes.
Throttling uses a wait time between batches so that the internal scroll requestscan be given a timeout that takes the request padding into account. The paddingtime is the difference between the batch size divided by therequests_per_second and the time spent writing. By default the batch size is1000, so if requests_per_second is set to 500:
Just like when setting it on the _update_by_query API, requests_per_secondcan be either -1 to disable throttling or any decimal numberlike 1.7 or 12 to throttle to that level. Rethrottling that speeds up thequery takes effect immediately, but rethrotting that slows down the query willtake effect after completing the current batch. This prevents scrolltimeouts.
The 'level' of a clue scroll relates to its difficulty. There are six levels of clue scroll: Beginner, Easy, Medium, Hard, Elite, and Master. An easy clue scroll is a low difficulty Treasure Trail, with a low reward yield. A medium clue scroll is a medium difficulty Treasure Trail with a more substantial reward yield. A hard clue scroll is a hazardous Treasure Trail, which can be very rewarding. An elite clue scroll is the penultimate, dangerous clue scroll (both to receive and to complete). Elite clue scrolls, however, require killing higher level monsters, which is rewarded by its greatest and most expensive rewards as compared to other levelled scrolls. A master clue scroll is the most dangerous clue scroll and requires not only killing higher level monsters in both single-way and multi-way combat but also high level skill requirements. 2ff7e9595c